Frequently Asked Questions
Where Are You Located?
Third Shot Pickleball is based in beautiful Collingwood, Ontario, Canada. Collingwood is about 2 hours North of Toronto
How Can I Train with You?
You are always welcome to come to Collingwood but be warned: we have limited facilities in the area and Mark Renneson is often on the road, coaching. The best thing to do is to contact us to see if we can make something work.
Will You Come to My Club?
What Makes a Venue "Suitable"?
I like Your Videos and Newsletter. How Can I Say Thanks?
Yes. We love hitting the road and visiting pickleball clubs around Canada and beyond! In fact, this is the most common form of coaching we do. We take care of all the messy details like registration and collecting fees, what we need from you is help finding a suitable venue and help letting people know we're coming!
We've taught pickleball in lots of different places! The main thing is that there are at least two (preferably three) courts available and that we are able to reserve them for the clinics. It is also important that the courts are in good repair and that they are relatively easy for people to get to. If you think you have a space like this, contact us and let's see if we can make it work!
We earn no money from either of these projects and they take a tonne of time and effort! If you'd like to show your appreciation, you can make a one-time or monthly donation.